Futures Traders Must Learn How To “Pull The Trigger”

We’ve been talking about charting basics lately and the signals charts give the futures trader. But signals are worthless if you fail to act. To be a successful futures trader you must not only know when, but have the courage to act. In futures trading, we call this pulling the trigger.

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No Room For Emotion In Futures Trading

If you’re going to be a successful futures trader, you have to learn to take emotion out of the equation. Learn to trade like a robot. There’s no room for emotion in futures trading.

Futures traders learn to trust themselves and their system. If you start letting emotion rule your decisions, fear, anger and greed will undermine your carefully planned and practiced strategies. It is by persistently following your system, by dispassionately relying on what your charts tell you, by religiously following your indicators that you will succeed as a futures trader.

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Shortcuts To Trading Success

When you’re climbing the learning ladder to success (see our last post), that last step is a huge leap! You may find yourself at the conscious competence level for a very long time before everything becomes so practiced and so ingrained that you reach unconscious competence and start trading in the zone as a master trader. Even when you’re in the groove and really working it, it takes time and practice, practice, practice before your routine and technique click to autopilot and using your system becomes automatic and effortless.

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Making Loss Work For You As A Futures Trader

If you learn to make your losses work for you, they can become your ally, not your enemy. Last time we talked about loss and how it can galvanize you to refine your system and improve your approach, setting you up for success as a futures trader. It’s like they say in sports, “No pain, no gain.” Loss motivates you to learn.

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